Struggling with Social Media Content? Here's My Content Creation Strategy to Break Out of a Rut.

Do you ever feel like you're constantly chasing inspiration for social media content? You're not alone!

Many business owners struggle with feeling uninspired, overwhelmed by the competition, and unsure of what to post next.

It’s very normal but it’s important to find ways to push through when you have those, days, weeks, or even months of feeling completely stuck on what to write so you end up scrolling for hours waiting for inspiration to strike.

But what if you could ditch this downward spiral and create engaging social media content that you use and reuse again and again?

Keep reading and I’ll teach you how I help break the content creation draught! 

Ready to start attracting your ideal audience with valuable, engaging content more consistently? Let’s go!


💪🏽 Leverage Your Expertise and Experiences

One of the sneakiest things about consuming social media is how quickly imposter syndrome can kick in. It’s annoying and once you start, it’s hard to pull yourself out but that’s when I say to mute the account that is making you feel bad, put down your phone, and then remember all of the amazing things you’ve accomplished.

Here’s another tip to help break the comparison cycle - switch your focus to what you can offer your ideal clients through your experiences and expertise.

You have a unique set of experiences and expertise that your audience can benefit from. Sharing stories from your professional journey or client experiences can be a goldmine for authentic content.

By sharing these lived experiences and insights, you position yourself as a helpful guide, not someone just pushing information. People connect with stories, and yours can be the key to unlocking a loyal following.

🧐 17 Questions to Uncover Content Ideas

This is one of my favorite exercises! I want you to sit down and think back to recent conversations that you’ve had in the past week or two. What questions were people asking you? What situations did you find yourself in? What were you observing in your industry? 

Use those things and write down 17 questions or problems your ideal client is facing.

Important Tip: Don't just focus on the obvious questions people might ask. Dig a little deeper and consider the unasked questions – the ones people might be too shy or embarrassed to ask out loud.

Get into the practice of writing down questions your target audience has as they come in, write down the problems you solved that week, what you found interesting, etc. 

For example, I run a coaching program and if someone asks a question about optimizing their profile, I could use that question to create several pieces of content revolving around that topic!

♼ Repurposing for Multiple Formats: Reach a Wider Audience

Now that you have all of those ideas from the 17-question exercise it’s time to create some content! And to make your content stretch even further so you don’t have to keep thinking of new ideas, we’re going to focus on repurposing!

By taking one piece of content and recreating it in different formats, you’re able to cater to your audience's varying preferences and extend the life of your ideas. Here are 3 formats to consider:

  • Talk to the Camera Reel (Long-Form): This format is ideal for in-depth educational content. Think of explainer videos where you directly address your audience and delve into a specific topic.

  • B-roll Footage Reel (Short & Engaging): Use captivating B-roll footage with text overlays to deliver a quick and engaging snippet of information. This is a great way to grab attention and spark curiosity.

  • Text-Based Carousel Post (Easily Digestible): Break down your content into bite-sized, text-focused slides for easy consumption on platforms like Instagram. This format is perfect for sharing quick tips, actionable steps, or key takeaways from your longer content.

Choose a format that works for you and your follower’s preferences. Mix and match as you go to keep your content strategy fresh and engaging. Don’t forget to experiment and have fun!

Another great tip is to go through your old content and see what you can make new again. I promise, your followers won’t even notice.

❤️ Get Emotional

Use emotional language in your content. By understanding your audience's emotions and the feelings associated with their questions or problems, you can connect with them on a deeper level. It’s even more powerful if you use the words that they are using to describe a situation.

Think about it: if someone is struggling with a specific issue, they're likely feeling frustrated, confused, or maybe even overwhelmed. Use language that acknowledges these emotions and offers a sense of hope or support.

By doing this, it leaves your followers feeling like you truly see them and that you get it. 😍

TL:DR - Let’s cut to the main takeaways

  1. Focus on Your Expertise: Share what you know and the value you offer.

  2. Brainstorm Using Audience Questions: Explore what your audience needs to know.

  3. Repurpose Content in Multiple Formats: Get more life out of your content by creating it in different formats.

Ready to dig yourself out of the content hole? Take action and implement these strategies today!



Want even more content creation ideas and examples? It’s packed with additional tips and tricks to help you become a social media content pro!

Chelsea Peitz Un-Copy-Paste-Able Brand Group Coaching program. To help real estate and business professionals grow their social media accounts.


In just 4 weeks, I'll teach you what you need to build a successful social media strategy! 

You'll learn how to build a robust personal brand that draws in your ideal clients, fosters genuine engagement & creates compelling content that forges connections and drives conversions.  

This is my proprietary system consisting of 6 pillars that I’ve used to grow my own brand. I've taught tens of thousands of real estate professionals how to show up online & will do the same for you!
